Welcoming author Christy Jordan-Fenton

We had the distinct pleasure of welcoming Alberta born author, Christy Jordan-Fenton to our school on Wednesday May 1st. She is well known for her books "A Stranger at Home", "When I was 8", "Not My Girl", and "Fatty Legs," which was named the 2011 USBBY Outstanding International Honor Book. She spoke about Inuvialuk elder Margaret Pokiak-Fenton’s time at Indian Residential School, the subject of her books. She encouraged the students to be proud of who they were no matter what cultural heritage they have, and to learn different languages to keep them alive for generations to come. She spoke of bravery, pride, resilience, struggle with a wonderful mixture of humor, sincerity, and thoughtfulness towards her audience.
We'd like to extend a big thank-you to Mrs. Speer, Mrs. Eisenkrein and Ms. Larouche for coordinating with a few other schools in our division to make this happen - it was a wonderful presentation!
Check out Christy Jordan-Fenton's books to learn more!