Inside Days and Outside Days

There are many activities, which operate for students who wish to remain indoors. Intramurals for both Junior High and Elementary students are scheduled on specific days. The computer room is also available for supervised educational activities. Various teachers also operate their homerooms for catch up and homework as the need arises.

Even with all these activities, there are a number of students who do not choose to take part in the activities or the activities are full before they decide. Since we do not want to have students wandering throughout the building, these students are asked to go outside for some fresh air and exercise. Please encourage your son/daughter to dress appropriately for the weather conditions knowing that they maybe outside for 25 minutes during the noon break.

Students WILL NOT be required to go outside during inclement weather conditions (temperatures below -25 Celsius and/or high wind chill conditions). Washrooms and medical facilities are available to students at all times during noon and recess breaks. In addition to this, the community door mudroom has been assigned to students for "warm-up" purposes on days when they are expected to be outside. The decision, based on the above conditions, will be announced as an "inside day" to the students. Unless a teacher has specifically requested they remain inside or they are involved in one of the inside activities, students will be expected to go outside on all days not announced as "inside days".

Emergency Closure of the School

School board policy states that schools shall remain open even if bus service has been suspended due to weather conditions.  Parents who bring their children to school on days when school bus services are suspended will be responsible for picking up their children at dismissal time. As well, if weather conditions dictate, a bus contractor may bring students home early without prior notification.  Parents should arrange a safe alternative for their child if this happens and there is not normally someone at home. 

Announcements regarding suspension of transportation services are made on the Sturgeon School Transportation website or on the Parent Portal banner page.

Extreme Cold Conditions

The Superintendent of Schools may suspend school bus operations on all days where climate and/or road conditions constitute a significant hazard to the safety and well being of school bus passengers. If this is to happen an ANNOUNCEMENT will be made over various radio stations CHEDCFCWCISNK-ROCKThe Bear.

Absences by students on days when school buses do not operate whether as the result of bus failure, a decision of a contractor not to operate, or suspension of transportation services by the Superintendent, shall be deemed to be excusable.  On these days teachers shall not conduct examinations, or introduce new material in their courses.